Few Positano Questions you need to know before your trip

Few Positano Questions you need to know before your trip

What airport is closest to Positano, Italy?

The closest airport to Positano is Naples International Airport, about 1 hour away.
Contact us to request a quote for a Transfer.

How far is Positano from Amalfi?

Positano is about a 30/35 drive from Amalfi. Contact us for a free quote for booking a Transfer that will let you discover all the wonders of these places.

How long is the drive from Rome to Positano?

Rome is 3 1/2 hours from Positano. You can reach it by car or get to Naples by a fast train (about 1 hour) and from Naples Central Station, head to Positano, only about 1 hour away. Contact us for a Transfer, whether it is from Rome or Naples.

Picture of Vito Minopoli